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Synonyms for confute

to prove or show to be false

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for confute

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References in periodicals archive ?
It begins with a Preface addressed to the Parliament "shewing What the Author hath been, and now is" and insisting on the disproportionate harshness of his imprisonment; then, there is a long section in which Coppe presents his own theological "Errors" and then confutes them in truthful "Assertions" ("Truth asserted against, and Triumphing over Error"); the third part is the letter which one of his inquisitors, Reverend John Dury, sent to Coppe ("The Preamble to the ensuing Proposals", followed by Coppe's answer ("The Answer of A.C.
Maybe some reader has actual data to support or confute this perceived bias.)
In his book Al-Islam and Christianity, which he wrote in the defence of Islam and to confute Honotaux, from the very beginning to the very end he has tried to prove that Islam lays great stress on using wisdom for clear and wider comprehension and understanding.
To view good reasons as persuasive in virtue of their being good reasons is to credit unduly the coercive power of rational justification; it is to confute rhetoric with reasoning.
Edamaruku: Once my father allowed himself to think critically about the Bible, he began step by step to confute Christian teachings and wrote the book.
Even the social tendencies may show some signs of women's emancipation, the advertising react slowly to social changes and advertisers do not have the courage to break the unwritten rules and confute the consumer.
His 'charge', as stated in his Brag, was 'to preach the Gospel, to minister the sacraments, to instruct the simple, to reform sinners, to confute errors ...
interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan are discussed as a starting point for increased Iranian support for Shias throughout the Middle East and to confute the common argument that Shias are more sympathetic to Iran than to their home countries.
The most significant political decision consists of adopting a specific protection against gay and lesbian discrimination by means of the Amsterdam Treaty, on 20th of October 1997 which introduced in the commercial law a new stipulation: "without harming other community competencies, the Council, after consulting the European Parliament can take any appropriate measures to confute discrimination based on sex, race or ethnic origin, religion, handicap, age or sexual orientation." Following its ratification by E.U.
I don't want to confute your views, but everyone has his or her opinion.
Sometimes, merely repeating Milton's argument "is enough to confute it and make it lighter then vaintie it self" (434); other times, Milton's argument seems such "a new principle unheard of till now" that the anonymous opponent concludes only "so I leave it" (446) without confutation.
Let us briefly, in turn, deal with the manner by which Flapan attempted to confute each of his myths.
Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahhar said on April 4 that "Hamas will be ready to participate in elections after an agreement is reached to confute the allegation that Islamists partake in elections only once." Holding elections before the details of reconciliation are clear would be political suicide for Hamas.
The Holy Father expressed the wish that "the greatest advantage should be gained by those Catholics who by the publication of newspapers and other writings illustrate, promote and defend Christian doctrine." He counsels that "they should confute errors and resist the wiles of perverse people, but in a way showing they are inspired by rectitude and especially by charity." To the work of extending the usefulness of the Catholic Press, a saint has been given as patron: St.