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Synonyms for conflux

a converging at a common center

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for conflux

a flowing together

Related Words

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
(47) The conflux of the North and South Equatorial Currents, particularly the latter, which is deflected north-westwards along the north coast of South America (the Guiana Current), diffuses into the Caribbean Basin.
"Library Life in the Deep South Part I: Flux and Conflux at the Delta," Wilson Library Bulletin 47, (March 1973): 584-97.
Yet Condo also manages to signal a conflux of banked emotion through the warped madam's strange calm.
One particular conflux gaining recent attention has resulted from two rivers of work that seek to align an institution's mission and resources through community engagement (service-learning) and social innovation (social entrepreneurship).
Working with IBM, U-M researchers have designed a computing resource called ConFlux to enable high performance computing clusters to communicate directly and at interactive speeds with data-intensive operations.
Here Barber invites his readers to consider a life immersed in the world, in materiality, in the conflux of identities and traditions all around us and flowing through us--an invitation to immanence, to a life that refuses the illusions of escape offered in transcendence.
disadvantageous "solutions" cited above, but the conflux of
The findings would shed light on how to cut expenses of organization by propagating a conflux.
conflux of events that represents clashes, with a new definition of evil, Daesh.
As mentioned earlier, the sixth edition of the dictionary includes around 450 new terms, from accessory building to zone of conflux. That number includes both completely new terms and definitions, and new terms with a definition that previously related to a less preferable term.
Money as commercial currency hence coexisted with its use as social currency to create, maintain, and reorganize relations between people, and in so doing, created each individual as "a unique conflux of relations" in society.
I contend that by examining the conflux of elements present in the settings where new teachers teach and the ways those elements work together to shape practice--that is, by conceptualizing and analyzing teaching as assemblage--teacher education researchers will help advance the field's understanding of teacher learning as continually transforming in relation to the teacher's own experiences, her students, the classroom and school context, and the broader state and federal policies that bear down on her teaching.
Additionally, there are different criminal gangs operating along the swampy areas of River Indus as it snakes through Dera Ghazi Khan and adjoining regions forming a triangular delta at the conflux of three provincial boundaries.