conference call

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Words related to conference call

nouna telephone call in which more than two people participate

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References in periodicals archive ?
Cross-sectional tests reveal that the average error in analysts' forecasts declines more in conference call quarters than in non-conference call quarters.
He believes this has resulted in individual investors having greater direct access to certain types of corporate information than in the past, such as the ability to directly access earnings conference calls and presentations.
eastern time conference call may allow a person on the West Coast to participate from home and miss the morning rush hour - if that is the preference.
Click on Webcasts and then on Lowe's Second Quarter 2019 Earnings Conference Call
20th Peer Assistance Committee Conference Call (12 p.m.)
The status of the closed Memphis melt shop has also not been specifically addressed by Nucor, either in its letter or in the conference call, except that it is not among the assets Nucor would specifically want as part of its initial offer.
Craver is what is becoming more and more accepted and common in the communication field: a "talking head" nouveau, gracing the airwaves and streamed audio feeds of regular webcasts and conference calls involving targeted niche audiences, such as creditors, investors, B2B customers and the news media.
After the initial popularity of conference calls during a business turndown a decade ago--when its primary benefit was saving meeting travel costs--time savings may have become their chief benefit.
* Holding an open conference call, permitting investors to listen by telephone or through Internet Webcasting.
"The first is at the January conference call that announces the prior year's financial results and lays out the following year for investors.
By setting up a conference call meeting - a meeting linked together by telephone.
ENPNewswire-August 20, 2019--Select Sands to Release Q2 2019 Earnings on August 26 and Host Conference Call on August 27
Global Banking News-July 12, 2019--Hilltop Holdings schedules its second quarter earnings conference call
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 12, 2019--Hilltop Holdings schedules its second quarter earnings conference call
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