Concreteness, context availability, and imageability ratings and word associations for abstract, concrete, and emotion words.
focused on
concreteness as a requirement for cognizable injury,
In addition, we looked at a comparison corpus, aimed at understanding whether Transtromer's use of
concreteness would really turn out to be unusual or remarkable, or if it could rather be expected in this type of poetry, the comparison corpus consisted of two other poems, each from a poet showing important common traits with Transtromer, for the sake of not exaggerating his (alleged) uniqueness.
The Supreme Court attempted to distinguish
concreteness and particularization in Federal Election Commission v.
The process of the
concreteness effect is supported by both dual coding theory and the context-availability model.
Collection of norms on words has long been used in Psychology to estimate measures like frequency of written material occurrence (Kucera & Francis, 1967; Thorndike & Lorge, 1944); semantic categories (Battig & Montague, 1969); imageability,
concreteness and meaningfulness (Paivio, Yuille & Madigan, 1968); and, association to homographs (Kausler & Kollasch, 1970).
Finally, electrophysiological studies in this field have widely explored the cortical signatures associated with noun/verb grammatical classes (Federmeier, Segal, Lombrozo, & Kutas, 2000; Preissl, Pulvermuller, Lutzenberger, & Birbaumer, 1995; Pulvermuller, Harle, & Hummel, 2000, 2001; Rugg, 1984), as well as the influence of properties such as
concreteness or imageability during semantic processing of both type of words (e.g., Kellenbach, Wijers, Hovius, Mulder, & Mulder, 2002; Kounios & Holcomb, 1994; Tsai, Yu, Lee, Tzeng, Hung, & Wu, 2009).
all is falling, as if the poet did not need the
concreteness of words to
Scientists from Dartmouth College in the US tested the basic question would processing the same information on a digital versus non-digital platform affect construal levels the fundamental level of
concreteness versus abstractness that people use in perceiving and interpreting behaviours, events and other informational stimuli, this was reported by a private news channel quoting the study.
Everything was carefully thought through: The materials, and also the titles, many of which poetically relate to tennis, plus the court's geometry and the game's rules--all relate to the artist's search for a visual language that articulates abstraction and poetry through material
concreteness. But if in Cerrillo's previous works there are many pretexts, here, the only immediate reference was to the rules of tennis: beyond that, the show generated its own text--an internal abstract vocabulary.
The stimuli presented were two lists of 30 words each (see Table 1), selected from Marques (2005), with control for frequency, imagery and
concreteness. The frequency was taken from the Portuguese database P-PAL entitled "The European Portuguese lexical database" (Soares et al., 2010).
As the title suggests, Cavanaghs poems often engage with themes of border crossing, but rather than academic and obtuse poems on the perennially trendy topic of liminality, he offers poems that are accessible in their
concreteness and specificity.
The expression of interest and
concreteness of intent of investing in energy sector was rolled out in a meeting held between USAID Administrator of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Larry Sampler and Federal Minister for Finance, Muhammad Ishaq Dar.
Concreteness. Concrete images help the audience connect with the story.