comminuted fracture

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fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed

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References in periodicals archive ?
Acute carpal tunnel syndrome requiring urgent carpal tunnel release ranges from 5.5% to 9% and is more likely to occur following severely comminuted fractures, representing a high energy injury.
Although more surgeons support the application of internal fixation to the displaced mid-shaft clavicle fracture, young patients with high activity level, accompanied with comminuted fracture, displaced fracture more than 20 mm, and smokers should be treated ORIF firstly, while others should be considered nonoperatively.
* A type III fracture is a comminuted fracture in which the fracture lines violate the central segment and markedly weaken the stability of the medial canthal tendon.
Skull fractures are generally categorized into linear fracture, depressed fracture, comminuted fracture, and growing skull fracture in children.
A further case presented with a comminuted fracture of the zygomatic complex.
A 1 cm gap ostectomy at the midpoint of each ulna was created to simulate a comminuted fracture. The screws were then retightened.
Immediate weight-bearing after treatment of a comminuted fracture of the femoral shaft with a statically locked intramedullary nail.
The common denominator between all of these types of biological fixation is preservation of the soft tissue attachments to the comminuted fracture fragments.
CT scan is sometimes needed in the case of complex and comminuted fracture patterns.
However, it is disadvantageous in achieving firm fixation because it is difficult to hold plates to the clavicle in severely comminuted fracture cases.
To compare the effects of external and internal fixation in surgical Management of Unstable comminuted fracture of distal Radius.
The attorneys said the plaintiff suffered a closed head injury that required hospitalization and speech therapy, fractures to his facial bones and pelvis, a tibia comminuted fracture requiring surgery with hardware, a crushed hand also requiring surgery and knee wounds requiring debridement to remove foreign particles, as well as a torn meniscus, a scrotal laceration, a torn shoulder rotator cuff and an ankle injury.
FY20 was isolated from a 42-year-old female patient who had undergone steel plate-screw internal fixation after a right tibial plateau comminuted fracture in May 2014.