come back

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Synonyms for come back

be restored


Related Words

go back to something earlier

even the score, in sports

Related Words

answer back

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Would the husband come back? (See what a thing habit is!
'It's great to come back, I had a win [here] a couple of years back and the last time I was here I was in second place so it really feels good to win,' Steffen said.
After initial hopes the final six episodes of the hit HBO series would debut in early 2019, a new report indicates that it will now be an even longer wait for the series to come back.
It's quick but for me it's my choice to come back and I like combining work with motherhood.
He told The Wrap: "I knew I was coming back to life but I didn't know if I would come back as a changed person, as a villain.
"Dominique has come back and he has a big smile on his face.
And he will come back in South America (Acapulco in February).