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Synonyms for cogitation

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for cogitation

a carefully considered thought about something

Related Words

attentive consideration and meditation

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
In the middle of these cogitations, apprehensions, and reflections, it came into my thoughts one day that all this might be a mere chimera of my own, and that this foot might be the print of my own foot, when I came on shore from my boat: this cheered me up a little, too, and I began to persuade myself it was all a delusion; that it was nothing else but my own foot; and why might I not come that way from the boat, as well as I was going that way to the boat?
These were the subject of the first night's cogitations after I was come home again, while the apprehensions which had so overrun my mind were fresh upon me, and my head was full of vapours.
He mentioned he had worked on the cocktails for eight months, with its extensive cogitation presents a perfect kick of the day.
Amid all the words printed and earnest cogitation in the West about the nationalist ambitions of Xi Jinping's China, the Watchman has been given a pass.
The imagination which was the center of my cogitation was Creative Imagination or 'Secondary Imagination' which, in Coleridge's words, "dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate;" (Wu 525).
The results shine a light on how music can facilitate the sharing of negative emotions, and show that the outcome is related to the coping styles and thinking patterns used in each setting, meaning that people with generally maladaptive coping styles are more likely to experience negative outcomes from group cogitation of music."
A moment's cogitation reveals that there is nothing in African thought going all the way back to the nature of human nature mythos that rules out as a meaningful consideration "the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment." Therefore, incorporating Allport's definition and Mischel's observation about personality--not their theories per se--will be shown to be indispensable to the theory of African personality presented.
Cogitation toggled between facial feature and pictorial fill, as one's eye--spurred by juicy color and enchanting scenarios--was shunted through and across the pictures' multiple planes, as though playing a game of Chutes and Ladders.
Uriel's exceptional perspicuity, caught 'fixt in cogitation deep' (629), reveals him at this moment to be blinder than the reader, who foreknowing can easily see the artificiality of the disguise [Satan dressed for a masque] and the fraudulence it conceals" (45).
The greatest Berlioz scholar of the twentieth century, who set down a credo in the title of his rhetoric for writers (Simple and Direct [New York: Harper and Row, 1975]), thus shared with his great subject a healthy skepticism of schematized cogitation.
Frequent public performance is paramount, in varied genres and ensembles, followed by periods of cogitation and revitalization.
"Modern schedules can lead us to eat around the clock so it is important to understand how the timing of food can impact cogitation" says Professor Christopher Colwell from the Department of Psychiatry and Bio-behavioral Sciences at UCLA.
Even more years ago than the cogitation I did on the above idea, I gave a talk to a publishing trade organization on "How Not to Manage an Editorial Advisory Board." As I was editing Ellen Frankenberg's article in this issue on "10 Excuses for Not Establishing a Board of Advisors" (page 27) it occurred to me that I might have something to add to this topic.