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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Destaca-se que para os fonemas e posicoes: OC com /r/, coda com /R/ e coda com /N/, as medias de alteracao obtidas para o desvio grave foi a mesma para o desvio moderado-grave.
Please consider helping Coda support this up-and-coming coffee territory by attending the fundraising event on November 9 from 6pm - 9pm.
26 June 2013 -- Fortress Investment Group (NYSE: FIG) has led a consortium of investors in acquiring the core technology, engineering and energy storage assets of CODA Holdings, Inc., as well as its key contracts and partnerships, to form the foundation of a new company that will carry over the brand name CODA Energy.
The essays that follow are broken into four "codas." The first coda surveys black attempts at constructing positive public images both before and after the Civil War.
"Coda" is a science fiction thriller for young adults, following Anthem, a singer for an underground band in a world where the Corporation allures most of the population with mind altering tracks.
Coda, a California-based electrical manufacturer, has filed for bankruptcy after delivering 100 units of its Chinese-built electric vehicles.
1 May 2013 a[euro]" US CODA Holdings Inc said Wednesday it had made a voluntary Chapter 11 filing to be able to complete a sale.
United States-based CoDa Therapeutics has announced that Nexagon was well tolerated and indicated an increase in complete healing in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers in the Phase 2b study.
The main thesis of the paper is that, in the coda to the Protagoras (360e-end), Plato tells us why and with what justification he demands a definition of virtue: namely, in order to resolve a particular aporia.