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adjtransformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass

adjchanged into a solid mass


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References in periodicals archive ?
During surgery, the tumor bed is repeatedly coagulated with a grooved roller electrode, decreasing the moisture content in the tissue and increasing the electrical resistance rate.
In contrast, the complex viscosity of the hot coagulated nanocomposites was almost an order of magnitude higher than that of the dry mixed nanocomposites, because of the resistance to flow imparted by the well-distributed, high aspect ratio, nanotubes.
What name is given to the Japanese food made from coagulated soya bean milk?
Among the items stolen was a Dewalt saw, which was still in its box, and a Makita coagulated screw gun.
For example, a PTFE dispersion is prepared by emulsion polymerization, coagulated, dried, and then dry-blended with an aerosol powder.
My main problem, however, was that the tissue would stick after I got it nicely coagulated. I couldn't free the instrument and, when I did, bleeding resulted and I'd have to re-coagulate.
It has become a quagmire of fresh and coagulated blood.
he said turning towards me from the other side of the room, carefully laying the instrument stained with coagulated blood on top of the little table.
I've studied Buddhism, Hindu philosophy, Native American spirituality--and it's all coagulated; I've taken pieces of it to build my current spiritual understanding.
Applying zeta potential to the coagulated coated broke samples showed us that the best turbidity of filtrate water was obtained at slightly negative or zero charge.
The process strongly affects one's reception of the images, which shuffle hesitantly forth out of coagulated, marbled, and wrinkled paint in closely modulated shades of gray, green, brown, and blue; but what, precisely, they depict will vary Rorschach-style from viewer to viewer.
Flocculation, the formation of larger, more easily filtered particles, is accomplished by a process known as "bridging." Bridging is the effectual gathering of coagulated masses into even larger bundled particles.
Absorption determines if tissue is cut, coagulated, or vaporized.
When the researchers squeezed the solution through a syringe needle into a rotating bath, the nanotubes aligned with each other and coagulated into ribbons.
* Coagulated particulates have a large enough cross sectional area to be entrained by air currents.