closed chain

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noun(chemistry) a chain of atoms in a molecule that forms a closed loop

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Open Chain and Closed Chain Fatigue Protocol Kinetic Anterior Type of Posterior Type of RM, Sets Chain Muscles Movement Muscles Movement % Open Quadriceps Leg Hamstring Lying Leg 60 4 sets and extension Curl each one is up to exhaustive Closed Quadriceps Machine Hamstring Russian 60 4 sets and squat Leg Curls each one is up to exhaustive Kinetic Rest, Chain min Open 3 Closed 3 Table 2.
For this purpose let us observe that doubletons, initially detached from one another in C, are now tied together to form either open or closed chains. Then, we may group them together splitting each structure in R into a product of two sets: one containing only closed and the second open chains.
Based upon existing published data it is difficult to make a case for superiority of either open or closed chain kinetic exercise rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction.
That training on the WBV Machines is performed in a closed chain placement and does not put any type of additional stress on the locomotive system and joints suggests that it is an exceptional method to enhance this specific part of the body, and to combat the instability.
The safest and most effective way to build muscle for older people is using machines that create compound (multi-joint), closed chain, non-concussive movements with optimal range of motion such that the muscles are supporting the skeleton and not the other way around.
Standard actions usually occur when the extremity is in open chain position; reverse actions usually occur when the extremity is in closed chain position.
"The body works and fails as a unit because it is a closed chain, and if there is a dysfunction in one area it has an effect on the entire kinetic chain," he explained adding: "Therefore, it is important to compile an entire list of problems the patient has when you examine someone who comes into your office with a shoulder injury." The compilation of such a list, he added, can be achieved through a series of simple physical motion tests, whereby patients are asked to stand on one leg or do half squats for example.
It is simple to create a closed chain of words such as GROUND WATER MARK TIME PIECE WORK HORSE PLAY in which each pair of adjacent words (including the last and the first) form a familiar two-word formation.
A feedback loop is a closed chain of causal connections among the elements of a system that is activated when one element meets a certain parameter and sets off a prescribed action.