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However, these studies did not determine the minimum tolerable levels of salinity for the yellow clam. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of salinity on M.
Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said: "Electro-fishing for razor clams remains illegal and may endanger those working in the industry as well as stocks of razor clams and the wider environment.
"Investigations revealed no direct evidence that the razor clams were being gathered for commercial purposes.
Giant clams are important because they are food for some marine animals and they increase fish density, Sherry Lyn Sayco, a researcher from the University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute (UPMSI), said.
Residents at the village had previously reported illegal sales of clams to Vietnamese traders.
MacCallum and McGladdery (2000) reported diagnostic and seasonal survey data from both hatchery and nursery and for wild clam collection locations in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island between 1990 and 1998.
Peter's Clam Bar carries three types of clams: Little necks, top necks and cherrystones.
Confocal microscopic observations revealed that the number of [EdU.sup.+] clam cells was correlated with the number of Symbiodinium colonizing an individual (over a 24-hour exposure) on day 26 post-fertilization (Fig.
Residents in Llanfairfechan are claiming to have seen people coming off the beach carrying large bags of the clams - despite a ban being in place.
Berger, an arts critic, writer, and visual artist who has worked at a botanical garden, details the history and background of the Pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula).
Clam digging is a North American term for a common way to harvest clams (edible infaunal bivalve mollusks) from below the surface of the tidal sand flats or mud flats where they live.
Suddenly, squeals of excitement erupt from the group as one person happily displays a large clam he found buried in the sandy bottom.
Comparing seagrass patches that died with patches that survived, van der Heide and colleagues propose that maintaining the clam partnership made a difference.