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Synonyms for cheeseparing

giving or spending with reluctance

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
It is true that it suffers from the result of Treasury cheeseparing dating from the time of its construction which limits its effectiveness.
THERE is something mean and nasty about this Government and its manifestations of cheeseparing.
I LIKE to be at the cutting edge - you know, fashion, lifestyle and cheeseparing.
It seems so unfair and shows what a cheeseparing attitude the Treasury can adopt."
The "teacher famine," complained New York University education professor Adolphe Meyer, was caused by "economic cheeseparing....
During my fast, I placed myself between the solid white marble of the Capitol and an array of cardboard tombstones and cut-outs bearing the names and stories of Oregonians who already have died as a result of our cheeseparing. I talked with the people who went in and out of the building, and I came to view the problem as being deeper than partisan or issue-based politics.