Israel can withdraw from occupied Palestinian territory or hand over administrative control of such territory, but to "
cede" property one must first possess legal title to it.
Haass also mentions climate change as a global issue and a reason for states to
cede sovereignty.
Instead, the FLP's donors should retain enough assets to live on and should
cede control of the assets by naming a spouse, heir or independent trustee as general partner.
Moshe Yaalon, Israel's senior army commander, suggested that Israel could
cede the Golan Heights to Syria in any future peace agreement.
"I don't believe firmly that any diocesan bishop would have the ability to
cede jurisdiction."
By ceding financial control to the states, localities
cede political control over their affairs.
You probably will wish to
cede to the modern practice of marking measure numbers (missing from this old edition), an accommodation for the lack of correspondence between the staves of primo and secondo, and an indispensable rehearsal aid.
- the obligation imposed on licensees to
cede improvements to the technology ceded;
The officer's training had included training in cultural awareness, which included training in sexual harassment and inmate treatment, and he was trained regarding the prison's
cede of conduct, which prohibited sexual contact between inmates and guards.
The riskier the insurance policies, such as policies in long-tailed lines (workers [1] compensation and medical malpractice), the more premiums the primary insurer will
cede. In particular, a less solvent insurer tends to use more reinsurance because of its inability to raise needed capital in financial markets.
Let me have them, and I'll
cede you 50 acres of Central Park." Recognizing the value of real estate in New York City, the second party agrees.
Prime Minister Hun Sen and other government officials have interpreted that meeting as an agreement to
cede four provinces to the Montagnards, which Rainsy has denied.
As of 12 February, the trust reported that 99.9% of its total 18,400,000 units outstanding were held by
Cede & Co.