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a throne that is the official chair of a bishop

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References in periodicals archive ?
Even the revered cathedra, or seat of the bishop had not been moved away from the church buildings since 1982.
St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury, proved to be the ideal concert venue for Ex Cathedra as they used the whole floor area, as well as the balconies to produce stunning three dimensional music from the 13th century to the modern day.
When the Pope gives a dogmatic definition for the Universal Church, he is said to speak "Ex Cathedra," or "From the Chair."
His latest commission, A Time to be Born and a Time to Die, received a triumphant premiere under Jeffrey Skidmore in the comfortable Elgar Hall, a venue which allowed full scope for Ex Cathedra's trademark imaginative choreography - not least Skidmore's picking up of the "hairy drum" and thudding a beat as everyone left the stage.
Ex Cathedra is one of the UK's leading choirs with a repertoire spanning from the 12th to the 21st centuries.
Ex Cathedra artistic director Jeffrey Skidmore said: "Leamington Hastings is always a pleasure for us - we are made so welcome.
There is no set list of ex cathedra teachings, but that's because there are only two, and both are about Mary: her Immaculate Conception (declared by Pope Pius IX in 1854 and grandfathered in after the First Vatican Council's declaration of papal infallibility in 1870) and her bodily Assumption into heaven (declared by Pope Pius XII in 1950).
Robert Maskrey, chairman of the Lower Machen Festival Trust, said: 'To secure Ex Cathedra as headliners is a tremendous coup - it's one of the biggest groups ever to perform at the festival.
However, Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution On The Church (25) teaches that "loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given, in a special way, to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak "ex cathedra."
Ex Cathedra (November): Ex Cathedra, one of the UK's finest choirs, is best known for its critically acclaimed performances of Early Music, and has a burgeoning reputation for Latin American Baroque.
* From 1893, when the first primate was elected by the first General Synod, until 1969, there was no fixed primatial see (home to the bishop's throne or cathedra); the primate also served as a diocesan bishop.
There will be a summer concert by Ex Cathedra at Shrewsbury's St Chad's Church to conclude the Shropshire Music Trust Series.
Ex Cathedra: Bach's Christmas Oratorio Birmingham Town Hall ?????
The Roman Catholic Church will mark the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter (Cathedra Petri) tomorrow, in commemoration of the teachings and authority of Saint Peter, the head of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, as the first supreme pontiff of the Catholic religion.