carved in stone

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no longer changeable


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References in periodicals archive ?
WALKERS will be able to see Walter Treadwell's work of art carved in stone as they visit a new heritage trail linking the 12 parishes of north Warwickshire.
Peter Barclay, the club's owner, tells us that above the club's front entrance is a locomotive and trucks carved in stone.
"People aged 60 would like to say to their grandchildren, 'Up there is your grandfather carved in stone,'" he said.
Luther wrote about this carving approvingly: "There is here in Wittenberg, on our parish church, a sow carved in stone, young piglets and Jews lie under it and suck teats.
Such stone carving greatly influenced the Mayans who also decorated their cities with portraits of rulers carved in stone. These large carved heads were placed on the four sides of the platform located at the base of the centrally located pyramids in Olmec cities.