car pool

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Related to car pool: carpool, Carpool lane
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nouna small group of car drivers who arrange to take turns driving while the others are passengers

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References in periodicals archive ?
Express Pool officially launched in a handful of US cities and was billed as an improvement on a car pool offering Uber has provided since 2014.
Car pool has increased as most of the office goers have opted for the same making use of some of the social net working sites and apps.
NHS Tayside will be running two LEAFs for its health professionals where chairman Sandy Watson said: "Last year NHS Tayside spent over half a million pounds on fuel for its fleet of vehicles and money we save on fuel will could go towards other healthcare priorities." In Dundee, city council employees are now using four of the Nissans as part of its car pool scheme, the same number as in Perth.
Mile Dimitrovski, Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, says that the import of cars would positively affect the renewal of the car pool. He says that the only dilemma is that these vehicles are mainly driven in the capital.
While one motorist alleged that the former England captain was speeding and 'driving recklessly', another claimed that the 36-year-old was 'definitely speeding' and cutting in and out of the car pool lane on one of California's busiest highways, reports the Daily Mail.
Please car pool and consider coming early to minimize delays getting into the park."
Car pool Pot all seven balls in one colour, then the black.
RUGBY legend Scott Hastings is planning to trade in his Audi and join a car pool scheme to help save the planet.
Councillors also raised questions about the viability of a proposed car pool scheme to make up for only half the flats having a parking space.