Bureaucratism is easy to grow in this huge bureaucratic system if some bureaucrats lose touch with the people.
During the early years of the PRC, the government waged campaigns against the "three evils" (corruption, waste, and
bureaucratism) and "five poisons" (bribery, tax evasion, stealing state property or obtaining it by fraud, cheating in workmanship and materials, and stealing state economic intelligence).
Xi, who has been in office for a year, has implemented a high-profile campaign to eradicate "formalism,
bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance" among Communist Party members.
BEIJING -- Xi Jinping, leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said Tuesday that the CPC's upcoming year-long campaign will be a "thorough cleanup" of undesirable work styles such as formalism,
bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance.
He said that the country must resolutely reject formalism,
bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, and resolutely fight against corruption and other misconduct in all manifestations.
"Our party faces many severe challenges, and there are also many pressing problems within the party that need to be resolved, particularly corruption, being divorced from the people, going through formalities and
bureaucratism caused by some party officials," Xi said.
A Party and its members who do not participate in the mass movement will easily fall into
bureaucratism. Therefore, the true revolutionary party must be based on the mass movement.
In analysing the grounds for dismissal, for instance, the law provides that the FIAT group is "obliged" to dismiss the chief executive in the event they display an excessive amount of bureaucracy, that is "
bureaucratism and red tape" (Section 37 of the Labour Code).
Sholte affirms that: "'Globalization is a dynamic whereby the social structures of modernism (capitalism, rationalism, industrialism,
bureaucratism, etc.) are disseminated the world over, normally destroying pre-existent cultures and local self-determination" (8).
He insists that socialism can neither transcend immediately the capitalist context from which it will emerge, nor can it replicate the
bureaucratism and deformations of past so-called socialist efforts like the failed Soviet Union.
But they would be astonished if they knew the full story of the
bureaucratism, egos, incompetence and plain corruption that characterises the Indian defence R& D and production system.
These include, notably, the 'challenge of incumbency', which brings with it the risk that, rather than using state power for the greater good of society, liberation movements may opt for patronage and neo-patrimonialism (that is, allocation of political resources on bases of factional rather than public interests);
bureaucratism (that is, a blurring of movement and state, calcification of structures, and political demobilisation); statist approaches to social transformation (that is, targeting of citizens as passive recipients of delivery and development, and taming of civil society); and an erosion of progressive values and organisational culture by the growth of greed and acceptance of inequality.
Mises uses the term
bureaucratism ([1944] 1969, 7), calling attention to the political institution that is required to administer the economy in this way.