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Synonyms for bugger

someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)

practice anal sex upon

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References in periodicals archive ?
"I am sure he said 'it's a bit of a rattly old bugger' but for a Jet Ranger that is not an abnormal expression.
Choueke asked: 'Are you too big for the regional press?' Prescott said: 'Bugger off.
"Crafty old bugger!" as Jodie so succinctly put it.
A would-be robber fled from a corner shop when a female shop worker told him to "bugger off" as he tried to steal cash.
The next morning we looked for the poor bugger but couldn't find 'im.
The absolute fastest way you can decrease the value of any good firearm is to scratch the finish or bugger the screws.
The bugger has enough acid, particularly malic, to counter the r.s., to make this rose refreshing and just great with hot weather foods such as cold quiche, chilled poached trout, etc.
Winter sports rookie Snowy Joey eclipsed royal rugger bugger Mike Tindall...
A PILOT who died in a helicopter crash had described the aircraft as "a rattly old bugger" two weeks earlier.
Coach Clive Woodward (he who puts down player revolts by pointing to the door and saying 'if you don't like it, bugger off!') has prepared an England side capable of ruling the world - and a nation desperate to see its sporting pride lifted from the gutter is desperate for them to do it.
They soon get the message - spend or bugger off!' CUSTOMERS SAY...
When the Beeb asked to film Kauto Star yesterday morning, I had a good mind to say no and tell them to bugger off.
Then some miserable bugger tried to steal them in the middle of the night.
I suspect the foxes will think "what's the daft bugger up to now?" as I walk around waving this fox repellent.
She said: "I can say the important stuff like, 'Where's Gucci?' and, 'Bugger off'.