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Synonyms for botryoid

resembling a cluster of grapes in form

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References in periodicals archive ?
The spindle cell variant was included within the embryonal category along with botryoid and anaplastic variants.
The mass has a botryoid appearance of several combining structures.
The association between cervical sarcoma botryoides and ovarian SCLT has been described in at least eight patients from prior case reports [15,17-22].
Botryoid odontogenic cyst (BOC) was first described in 1973 by Weathers and Waldron and it is usually described in the literature as a multicystic variant of lateral periodontal cyst (LPC) (1).
[8, 9] Botryoid variant consists of cells varying from primitive small cells to cells with extensive myoblastic differentiation.
The other two histological types are pleomorphic and botryoid, which account for <10%, and are also associated with a favourable outcome.
Histology was determined as embryonal (including spindle cell and botryoid subtypes) and nonembryonal histology that included alveolar subtype.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia + bone marrow transplantation (2) Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (6) Acute myeloblastic leukemia (3) Adrenal cortical carcinoma (1) Astrocytoma (1) B-cell lymphoma (1) Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma (1) Brainstem primitive neuroectodermal tumor (2) Burkitt lymphoma (1) Craniopharyngioma (2) Ependymoma (1) Fanconi anemia + allogeneic BMT (1) Forearm rhabdomyosarcoma (1) Hepatoblastoma (1) Infantile fibrosarcoma (1) Medullary aplasia + allogeneic BMT (1) Medulloblastoma (1) Neuroblastoma + Pepper syndrome (1) Optic nerve glioma (1) Oropharynx undifferentiated carcinoma (1) Rhinopharynx carcinoma (1)
The two main histological subtypes of RMS affecting the paediatric age group are embryonal (with botryoid and spindle cell variants) and alveolar.
In the international classification of rhabdomyosarcoma there are 5 recognized variants: embryonal, alveolar, botryoid embryonal, spindle cell embryonal and anaplastic.[sup.7] The most common variant is embryonal, most associated with tumours of the genitourinary tract and the head and neck.
(1) Two major types have been described: adult-pleomorphic and juvenile, which consists of elements of alveolar, embryonal, and botryoid with 1 element usually predominating.
(4) In 1958, Horn and Enterline published the most useful classification of rhabdomyosarcomas; they classified them as pleomorphic, alveolar, embryonal, and botryoid. (5) Infants and children generally have one of the latter two types.
The splenic outline was botryoid, with foci of small white nodules visible in the dark red parenchyma (diameter [less than] 1 to occasionally 3 mm).