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Synonyms for bolide

nounan especially luminous meteor (sometimes exploding)


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References in periodicals archive ?
O Bolide Caixa 18 assume, tambem pela primeira vez na obra de Oiticica, a necessidade da arte visual de participar da espetacularizacao, de incidir em suas imagens, de disputar seu carater publico, aspecto que sera fundamental nao so na obra posterior do artista carioca, mas tambem em toda a arte brasileira dos anos 1960 (AGUILAR, 2016: 41) Tiempo despues, Tropicalia, la ambientacion que Helio construye en 1967, se convirtio en un icono disparador del fenomeno tropicalista en distintas dimensiones culturales (artes visuales, musica, teatro, cine, diseno).
When the meteorite passes through the atmosphere, the meteorite becomes a meteor - forms a fireball, also known as a "shooting star" or "falling star"; astronomers call the brightest examples "bolides".
A statement on the Bradley Wiggins Facebook page said: "Some bad news, team van broken into in Cardiff last night, team spare road bikes and a Bolide TT bike robbed with several sets of Zipp 404s.
The bolide manufactured by the students was delivered in Russia.
Recurring catastrophic events in the Earth's history which included Paleoclimatology, Oceanic Geochemistry, Volcanic activities, Bolide Impacts, Glaciation and Global Warming episodes, and Sea level fluctuations (Anoxia); these all contributed towards strengthening the effects of mass extinction in one way or another.
It was a "bolide" meteor, more commonly known as a fireball.
The 1,200 PS bolide set the world speed record for production cars in 2010, which still stands today, with an average maximum speed of 431.072 km/h, officially confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records.
Identification of the Bloody Creek structure, a possible bolide impact crater in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada.
Bolide is a new bull for the Australian market, and the order comes on the back of very positive feedback from breeders both in the UK and New Zealand.
Under this contract, Saab will provide new operator training simulators, upgraded fire units to support the BORC night-capable sight and the latest Bolide missile, new external power supplies plus a four-year support agreement.