board foot

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nounthe volume of a piece of wood 1 foot square and 1 inch thick

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References in periodicals archive ?
The AS-BUCKED logs were analyzed using both the board foot and cubic foot basis to test the appropriateness of the BF/CF ratio used to develop the $/Ccf log prices.
Approximate value increase of one board foot of lumber as it is processed by each operation through the rough mill.
(Board foot is a unit of measure for timber equal to a board one foot square and one inch thick.
Brooks, predicted that total harvest in Alaska would average 660 million board feet per year during the early 1990s before falling to about 545 million board foot per year in the decade from 1995 to 2005.
Scaling rules allow a modern mill to cut two board feet from every board foot they pay us for.
(A board foot is a unit of wood that measures a foot square and an inch thick.
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