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Synonyms for blusterer

a person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetly

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Written for Spall, the part of the charming, slightly dim, lovable blusterer fits like a glove.
It was worth hanging in there, though, for the performances of Timothy Spall as a blusterer whose hot air masked his sad and lonely emptiness and Martin Clunes, as a Bible basher, still on the edge after a nervous breakdown.
When Walcott, Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil dazzle like the diamonds in a tiara, Wenger's manifesto for football the way it should be played knocks spots off the corporate froth of a blusterer's bullet-point presentation.
When Walcott, Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil dazzle like diamonds in a tiara, as they did last night, Wenger's manifesto for football knocks spots off the corporate froth of a blusterer's bullet-point presentation.
The first scene of Act Two has never been so powerful, the reformed courtesan Violetta's sacrifice of her new-found love for the sake of his family movingly expressed, her Alfredo's demanding father no more the sanctimonious old blusterer but now a tormented soul deserving our sympathy.
That quality is at odds with arguably the mightiest blusterer in theater history.
But when the world's gaze turns to Slobo's antics on trial then Tim's job becomes harder, as he is the man responsible for the Belgrade blusterer's safety as well as incarceration.
Buffalo Bill Cody was perhaps the biggest and best blusterer in Colorado history.
No one in the Innamorato explicity carries a torch for Castle Cruel, but when, elsewhere in Orcagna, Ranaldo kills a fat blusterer named Rubicone (the type of person who would have served at Castle Cruel and escaped), his deed is not forgotten by other inhabitants.
Banks is an evasive blusterer caught selling a pig in a poke, the demons he unleashed including the naked racism of the infamous "Breaking Point" refugees poster unveiled on the morning Far Right terrorist Thomas Mair killed Labour MP Jo Cox.
The bouffant blond blusterer seems to think the sight of 11 turbines in the sea near his Balmedie golf course will put PS200-a-round players off their strokes.
But, as the Surrey-born, Harrow-educated old blusterer has said himself, he's merely a pub bore with a microphone.
He might have some singularly unattractive characteristics - a sore loser and a far from gracious winner - and there is usually a sense of dark satisfaction when a serial blusterer falls foul of bigger bullies.
And with Broadbent playing Arthur as a charming blusterer who wouldn't hurt a fly, there's no true conflict at script's heart.
Some people see you as being a bit of a blusterer but in reality you can be very sensitive.