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Synonyms for blunderer

a clumsy person

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for blunderer

someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
To flatten the speaker of Montale's books into the protagonist of Senilita or La coscienza di Zeno is to reduce him to the limited perspective of the typical modernist figure of the blunderer. Such a reduction is not unjustified: Edoardo Sanguineti (1998) made the same move when asked to celebrate Montale at a conference honoring the centennial of the poet's birth.
The film is adapted from Highsmith's third novel 'The Blunderer,' with a screenplay by Susan Boyd and retitled 'A Kind of Murder.'
Take Lucas Beauchamp as an example: he spirals down into greater racial hardship and legal subjugation than ever after he is arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder and is thereby a fatal and impudent blunderer. A tidal wave of public indignation sweeps the community because clearly it has something to do with Lucas's perceived marginalization and the townsfolk's commitment to upholding white supremacy.
Adapting acclaimed suspense author Patricia Highsmith's 1954 novel "The Blunderer," director Andy Goddard and screenwriter Susan Boyd chart the doom that befalls two men whose spouses, in quick succession, turn up dead at the same out-of-the-way Northeast rest stop.
From the inside, the Hellenistic character of Catholic Christianity is no problem: the Holy Ghost, presumably, is not quite the farcical blunderer liberal theologians like to imagine.
Housman called one scholar a "buffoon," another an "idiot child." Applying the rack and thumbscrew, he variously exclaimed: "works of this sort are little better than interruptions to our studies"; they are "a long record of conjectures which dishonour the human intellect"; "all the tools he uses are two-edged, though to be sure both edges are quite blunt" Housman continued his massacre with: "he was a born blunderer, marked cross from the womb and perverse"; "in his corruptions and misinterpretations of the text he seems to stick at no falsehood and no absurdity which the pen will consent to trace on paper"; he discharged "bucketfuls of falsehood ...
(109) As far as money damages are concerned, the Constitution is a hazard only for the blunderer and the fool.
Since the publication of Lockhart's life Ballantyne has been seen either as business blunderer or as victim of Scott's impractical ambition; Jane's article is a powerful corrective.
Earl Rovit generalizes that the hero of Bellows novels is "a consciously quixotic blunderer who is designed to evoke his own and our laughter in his frantic efforts to avoid or absorb his own pain" (40).
For every breakthrough, a blunder, and for every genius, a blunderer. This astonishing collection of tales makes fascinating and compulsive reading.
The blunderer, the authors argue, disrupts the hero plot to allow greater learning possibilities around becoming a teacher.
The gaffe was just the latest in a growing catalogue that was fast earning Barack Obama's multimillionaire rival a reputation as a great blunderer.
it satirizes his youthful need to imitate rather than innovate; his inexperience of the forms and terms of poetry; and his competitiveness with others of his generation, but mostly Woolf laughs at the soullessness of his composition; rather than the poem being a work of art, she represents Julian as a thoughtless and immature blunderer in the world of words.