blazing star

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Related to blazing stars: gayfeather, Liatris
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Synonyms for blazing star

biennial of southwestern United States having white stems and toothed leaves that is grown for its large pale yellow flowers that open in early morning

any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Besides attracting butterflies, blazing stars are also beautiful in the garden and long-lasting in cut bouquets.
The dense blazing star or Liatris spicata is a kind of perennial wildflower mostly seen in purple, red or white and can grow as tall as two meters.
blazing stars, glittering comets, dreadful conjunctions of planets ...
And above us, a billion blazing stars - no light pollution in those blacked-out times.
Helmer Gabriel Barre ("The Wild Party") faithfully renders the bags of love and blazing stars and other miraculous effects that mean so much to the playwright, even when they come across as pure whimsy.
They favor small flowers or florets in flat, round or elongated clusters like penta and lantana, which bear hundreds of lavender, red, pink or white flowers; or blazing stars with dense spikes of purple, magenta, or white flowers that open from the top down.
In Missouri, some glades do resemble prairies, with plants that include big and little bluestem, Indian grass, Indian paintbrush, prairie larkspur, purple coneflower, and blazing stars. Other glades are drier and resemble a bit of the southwestern desert dropped into the middle of the Ozarks.
SYDNEY has been a constellation of blazing stars over this past fortnight, but the Millennium Games now revolve around just one.
The philosophers report that "three blazing stars appear there, one after another in a short time, whereof two were bright, and one dim" (26).