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Words related to bisection

dividing into two equal parts

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References in periodicals archive ?
The immediate stimulus for resuming this investigation is Jay Rahn's recent discussion of interval "bisection" in certain scales.(2) In a later section of this paper I will comment on the relationship between Rahn's work and the present effort.
[1973]: 'Brain Bisection and Personal Identity', The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 24, pp.
Ganesh Madhan, "Simultaneous reduction of IMD3 and IMD5 in bisection laser diode by feedback second harmonic injection," Optics Communications, vol.
Neglect severity was measured with the Schenkenberg line bisection task [36] (18 horizontal lines, 10-20 cm) and a variant of the bell cancellation test [37] (with 35 animal targets (among distractor objects)) [38].
Partition [Z.sup.k-1] into two subboxes [Z.sup.k,1] [Z.sup.k,2] [subset or equal to] [Z.sup.k-1] using the bisection technique.
Algorithm 1: Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation Optimization Algorithm For [tau]=0:T 1 Initialization q=0, j=1 2 Repeat {Outer iteration} 3 Initialization [lambda], k=1 4 Repeat {Outer iteration} 5 Initialize ([mu]), 1=1 6 repeat {Inner iteration} 7 Solve (22) (23) for each subcarrier by bisection search according to Proportion 1 and obtain ([P.sup.(s,0).sub.i,j], [P.sup.(s,1).sub.i,j]), update [[micro].sub.j,l-1] by [[[micro].sub.j,l]-[nu] ([R.sup.s.sub.j]-[R.sub.j]]).
O'Hare has spent billions of dollars to create an east/west runway configuration that avoids runway bisection but because the east west runways create a great deal of political opposition, particularly so for nighttime flights, the city has decided to shift the nighttime burden on the 6th ward.
The partition of the territory of India had presented a challenge to people on both sides - in terms of the bisection of their literature, music, fine and performing arts, and syncretised culture.
Some sea star and sand dollar larvae regenerate entire body halves after surgical bisection, demonstrating regeneration continuity between the larval and adult life stages (Vickery and McClintock, 1998; Vickery et al., 2002).
The overall algorithm for accomplishing this is a root-finding method, e.g., bisection or Newton's method.
After learning of the proposed plan to cut down the tree, the late Sheikh Zayed called on the project managers demanding that the tree be left in place, which eventually led to the road's bisection and re-mergence.