between decks

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Synonyms for between decks

in the space between decks, on a ship


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References in periodicals archive ?
In this study, we employed a version of the IGT derived from the payoff structure of the original IGT (Bechara et al., 1994) and a modified version in which the gap in loss-frequency differences between decks was reduced.
In support of our main hypothesis, we found that the rate of advantageous decisions increases by reducing differences in loss frequency between decks. Participants who completed the modified version of the IGT improved in their decision making: they selected more decks that were advantageous in the long-term, expressed greater satisfaction toward the good decks, and chose a new card more rapidly than the participants who completed the original IGT
The main findings of this study are that when the loss frequency is more similar between decks, the decision-making process is more often driven by the record of gains and losses: advantageous options are selected more frequently, lead to positive emotions, and an advanced decision trigger prompts selections.