bear upon

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Related to bear upon: To bear out
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References in classic literature ?
Finding that his look was not returned, or indeed observed by the person to whom it was addressed, John gradually concentrated the whole power of his eyes into one focus, and brought it to bear upon the man in the flapped hat, at whom he came to stare in course of time with an intensity so remarkable, that it affected his fireside cronies, who all, as with one accord, took their pipes from their lips, and stared with open mouths at the stranger likewise.
It came to me straightway, under her contact, that, with plain heartiness, mere relieved anxiety at my appearance, she knew nothing whatever that could bear upon the incident I had there ready for her.
"That was a rare point, Sydney, that you brought to bear upon the identification.
In his easy-to-follow conversational style, he touches upon various aspects of post Vatican Council Catholicism, analyzes them, and then brings his deep knowledge of Holy Scripture to bear upon them.
Mark Allan Powell examines the biblical accounts that bear upon this issue and considers how these passages and the biblical witness might be considered.
A 1984 task force report also titled Human Health and the Environment focused on how to bring new developments and tools in the biological sciences to bear upon issues in environmental health.
His polysemous "changing worlds" encompass both the transformations effected within poetry and mutations of language and climate that bear upon it.