Donovan, "Antimicrobial bacteriophage-derived proteins and therapeutic applications,"
Bacteriophage., vol.
Bacteriophage viability at refrigerated and frozen temperatures was determined to ensure their survival during storage or shipment.
The host range of each
bacteriophage's cocktail was determined by spotting 5 [micro]L of phage suspensions on a spread lawn of bacteria.
D'Herelle was a self-taught French-Canadian scientist who serendipitously discovered that bacteria-fighting viruses, later referred to as
bacteriophages, exist and that some of them are present in humans to combat disease.
bacteriophages play a key role in expression of the stx gene in E.
He has over 30 years of experience in development of anti-infective therapies and has led treatment of critically ill patients using
bacteriophage therapeutics under FDA-allowed Emergency INDs.
is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focussed on
bacteriophage therapeutics for antibiotic-resistant infections using its proprietary bacteriophage-based technology.
The patent, which covers the composition of a synthetically engineered Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage, is an important addition to C3J's expanding patent estate, and the company's first issued patent covering its proprietary technology platform that enhances natural
bacteriophage through genetic engineering.
Bacteriophage storage at 4AdegC is the simplest and most cost-effective way, and there are several records of
bacteriophages stored at 4AdegC maintaining their high titer even after 30 years (Ackermann et al., 2004; Weber-Dabrowska et al., 2016).
This paper describes a technically simple and affordable procedure, based on
bacteriophage amplification, which is readily applicable by laboratories of different complexity levels.
By the 1940s, industrial giants such as Eli Lily and L'Oreal had developed
bacteriophage "cocktails" for treating infections, but the advent of antibiotics quickly stole the spotlight (even though the effectiveness of phages was never in question).
To explore bacterial and
bacteriophage community compositions associated with PD, the researchers used shotgun metagenomics sequencing data of fecal microbiome from 32 patients with PD and 28 controls.
The culture media were incubated at 37[degrees]C for 24 h with speed of 120 rpm for
bacteriophage enrichment.
Last summer, during an internship at TAMUCC, Del Mar biotechnology major Danial Azadani discovered a
bacteriophage associated with Enterococcus faecalis, a bacterium that can cause infection in humans.