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Synonyms for baccy

nounleaves of the tobacco plant dried and prepared for smoking or ingestion

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References in periodicals archive ?
The team, accompanied by specialist detection dogs from Wagtail UK, found the baccy booty in March at retail units in Evesham and Redditch.
I avoided bingo, baccy and beer, not because I'm opposed to them but because my finances were limited and I preferred to put any spare cash aside for holidays.
"I loved lying in the grass and watching the birds dipping and diving and enjoying the smell of the freshly cut grass, the apples and our dad's baccy," Pat recalled.
As well as writing and producing, Project XXX will be directed by Paul, who specialises in creating innovative multi-media theatre with performers and non-performers, producing work for the Royal Exchange Theatre, including Waiting For The Baccy Man, starring Sally Lindsey, and A View From Guide Bridge, starring Ian Redford.
It's not the first time RiRi has noted her penchant for wacky baccy. In January, she tweeted a picture of a "nug" of weed and at Halloween she dressed as the Queen of Weed.
your mither deal in more than baccy? And does she live in yon muckle
If you're not a fan of country music, don't stick around for this album - after one listen to it, you'll be sitting on a rocking chair, chewing baccy and looking out over your ranch.
The three curses of the working classes are the three Bs - beer, baccy and bingo.
But seconds later a giant dreadlocked man loomed large trying to sell me "wacky baccy", jet-ski rides and various other things I didn't want.
"A CIGARETTE," THE OLD saying goes, "is a pinch of baccy wrapped in paper with a fire at one end and a fool at the other."
Admitting to Radio 1's Newsbeat he once sampled a bit of 'wacky baccy' while a student, he trickled a few drops of cannabis oil (which includes the psychoactive ingredient illegal in the UK) on his tongue, "purely for sleeping for relaxation" ahead of his flight home.
He would neatly fold up his newspaper, pack away his baccy tin and amid waves of farewells from Stan and the others, make his way out of the pub to his bicycle, only Old Jack had a wooden leg.
Bingo, baccy and beer would cost a lot more but I choose not to indulge.
BOOZE and baccy smugglers are diddling the taxman out of almost PS70million a week.