baby's tears

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Synonyms for baby's tears

nounprostrate or creeping Corsican herb with moss-like small round short-stemmed leaves

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References in periodicals archive ?
Baby's tears grow below and Mexican feather grass in back.
Baby's tears growing between cast pavers create the bold look of a mod rug in this San Francisco courtyard, which maintains a serene air even as the light changes from spectacular to subdued.
The baby's mother was out drinking with friends and it was her drunken father who responded to the baby's tears.
Cycads, Blechnum ferns, and tender baby's tears fill the garden beds.
Other candidates include baby's tears, dwarf thyme, and Irish moss.
Beneath the arbor, the patio is covered by diagonally set concrete pavers with baby's tears planted in the seams between them.
They used baby's tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) and creeping Jenny, both of which make low mats of soft leaves, to conceal the pond's concrete edges.
* One mudflat (at least 16 by 16 inches) of baby's tears (shown) or other ground cover