Longevity of
attentional bias modification effects for food cues in overweight and obese individuals.
It holds that memory for items or events that are somewhat similar can compete for
attentional resources (Anderson, 2003).
Self-talk, is a person's internal dialogue that may include thoughts and/or statements related to feelings and perceptions, evaluations of performance, self-instructions, reinforcement, and
attentional focus (Hackfort & Schwenkmezger, 1993), and is a cornerstone of cognitive-behavioral approaches to behavior and learning.
"The aim is for regular sessions to be introduced into the daily activities of young children to help support their
attentional and emotional regulation skills, inhibition, and working memory.
Among controlled studies, most evidence for reduction in anxiety and
attentional bias after ABMT involves non-clinical or sub-clinical samples only; these limitations in sampling and methodology affect the representativeness and generalisability of the results.
A significantly overlooked area in the development of greater
attentional control is boredom.
We hypothesized that individuals would be rearranged regarding
attentional functioning patterns and that the new groups would be associated to differences in the FA measure of their brain tracts.
"Where [a performer's] attention is directed to the action itself" it is known as internal focus, while an external focus is "where the performer's attention is directed to the effect of the action." (3) In the current research on
attentional focus (which is derived mainly from sport science), many empirical studies have demonstrated the benefits of adopting an external focus in motor tasks that include balances, jumps, golf pitching, basketball free throws, and swimming.
* Are there any significant differences in the patterns of learners'
attentional behaviors when different conceptual mapping strategies and tools are applied?
Building on Atkinson and Walker's (1956) work, Schultheiss and Hale (2007) conducted a more direct investigation, using a dot-probe task to assess the effects of nAff on
attentional deployment.
Cognitive strategies were measured using a questionnaire adapted from three scales: (1) the Metamemory in Adulthood scale [50], (2) the Thought Control Questionnaire [51], and (3) the
Attentional Control Scale [52] (Table 1).
The BIS-11 is a reliable measure of trait impulsivity, addressing the complexity of impulsivity as a construct with a three-component conceptualization comprising
attentional impulsivity (reduced ability to focus on the task at hand and racing thoughts), motor impulsivity (the tendency to act without thinking), and nonplanning impulsivity (lack of future- or fore-thought) [16].
Meta-analytic studies show the evidence for pain
attentional bias among chronic pain individuals [1, 2]; however, this evidence is based on studies that measure indirect and covert attention such as the dot-probe task or cueing task [3].
As far as we know, only a few studies have investigated the
attentional bias of test-anxious individuals.
Intentional interaction with natural environments on or proximal to campus may play a role in enhancing the cognitive functioning, psychological well-being, and "
attentional capacity" of students.