Along the same lines, the first sentence employs the previously unseen conjunctioneliminating rhetorical device of
asyndeton. Not a single to be verb deadens the liveliness of the writing; instead, we see more highly suggestive, but odd, verb usages like "his blade tumbled" and "pivoting steel winged." Trochaic multisyllabic words proliferate.
([1922] 2008, 181) Though this passage might seem unremarkable, a portrait of banal bureaucratic logic, it is in fact close to being the climax of this anticlimactic novel, bringing us as close we will come to the unseen center of power "oaring history along." Woolf's sustained
asyndeton produces an effect of concretion without meaningful connection, process without telos, an imperial voice narrating its own slightly banal history ("a voice kept remarking") in a monologue composed of the fragments of actions, places, populations.
(19) Barthes resume estos dos modos de lectura: "Whence two systems of reading: one goes straight to the articulations of the anecdote, it considers the extent of the text, ignores the play of language [...] the other reading slaps nothing; it weighs, it sticks to the text, it reads, so to speak, with application and transport, grasps at every point in the text the
asyndeton which cuts the various languages--and not the anecdote: it is not (logical) extension that captivates it, the winnowing out of truths, but the layering of significance" (12).
Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer discusses "
Asyndeton in vorangestellten temporalen Nebensiitzen mil der Konjunktion kuwapi" and the translation of the contentious lines i 71-74 of the so-called Tawa- galawa letter.
Even the
asyndeton in "begot me, bred me, loved me" suggests a minimalist appreciation of Lear's gift-loves through eros and affection.
(9.) As indicated by Evans (1989), the 796 balance structures include 280 cases of
asyndeton, 115 polysyndetons, 95 anaphora, 62 epistrophe, 20 anadiplosis, and 24 parataxis.
123) and Patrick Henry employing
asyndeton, the omission of conjunctions for terse effect: "Sir, this is a picture so horrid, so wretched, so dreadful, that I need no longer dwell upon it" (p.
We begin with conjunctive NP-coordination, which in Ayoreo is mostly obtained via
asyndeton (10) or--less frequently and subject to semantic restrictions--via a comitative construction based on the verb 'to accompany'.
As she moves into the main argument of the speech, she uses
asyndeton to build to a climax: "Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, / Thy head, thy sovereign" (5.2.146-47).
Missing section] * Third source: Proper handling of figures (16-29) 16-17 Figures of thought: Adjuration (*apostrophe, oath, etc.) 18 Figures of thought: Questions [missing section after 18.2] 19-29 Figures of Feeling 19
Asyndeton (omission of conjunction) 20-21 Anaphora (repetitions) and diatyposis (vivid descriptions) 22 Hyperbaton (inversions) 23 Polypota (accumulations, variations, climaxes) 24 Plural to Singular 25 Past to Present 26 Transposition of Persons 27 Change in Narrative Point of View * 28-29 Periphrasis (circumlocution) * Fourth Source: Choice of Words (30-38) 30 Introduction to Diction [missing text after 30.2 and before 31] * 31 Use of Common Language * 32 Metaphors 33-36 Digression on Genius (though not without fault) vs.
Rhetorical strategies such as
asyndeton, balance, and antithesis fall into this category.