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Synonyms for astrologist

someone who predicts the future by the positions of the planets and sun and Moon

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References in periodicals archive ?
Not all of them, however, appreciate the astrologist's honesty.
Astrologist Ibrahim bin Mohammed al Mahrouqi, a member of the Omani Astronomical Society said that the meteor showers known as Geminid is the best meteor shower to happen throughout the year.
NEWMARKET: 1.30 Old Persian, 2.05 Kassia, 2.40 USHERETTE (NAP), 3.15 Astrologist, 3.50 Scenery, 4.25 Soul Silver, 5.00 Blushing Rose, 5.35 Elysian Fields.
Book publisher Hodder has commissioned a series of 12 pocket-sized guides to astrology by astrologist Sally Kirkman, book trade magazine The Bookseller revealed on Wednesday.
Never ever before use or look for the advice of a psychic, an astrologist, a clairvoyant and similar consultants.
Never ever before utilize or look for the suggestions of a psychic, an astrologist, a clairvoyant and similar advisers.
Chairman of the National Foods Limited Mian Abdul Majeed, famous astrologist Rozina Jalal, senior analyst Col.
But today we exclusively reveal the pairings - along with astrologist Claire Petulengro's verdict on what stars have in store for them.
My friend, Shelley Ackerman, the astrologist, chides me for not believing in the stars influencing our destiny.
One to look out for in March, the DVD will see the famous TV astrologist team up with his Strictly Come Dancing partner for a dance fitness instruction programme.
The astrologist and witch predicted him good fortune [2] At the dark night in the bed The fortune teller counted the stars Asked the fortune of this person by the stars Incantation:
The author states that "an amateur astrologist helps visitors identify the summer stars." I'm curious to know whether the author may have meant astronomer.
by Pajhwok reporter on 23 June, 2014 - 18:26 KABUL (Pajhwok): Leading astrologist Abdullah Kandahari has predicted Sunday will be the first day of the holy month of Ramadan in Afghanistan.