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- noun
Synonyms for specialist
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
Synonyms for specialist
an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
Related Words
- enologist
- fermentologist
- oenologist
- expert
- attache
- canonist
- criminologist
- crystallographer
- dietician
- dietitian
- nutritionist
- educationalist
- educationist
- fingerprint expert
- fingerprint man
- fingerprint specialist
- Germanist
- graphic designer
- designer
- graphologist
- handwriting expert
- decorator
- house decorator
- interior decorator
- interior designer
- room decorator
- limnologist
- meteorologist
- oculist
- optometrist
- orientalist
- Teutonist
- arborist
- tree surgeon
practices one branch of medicine
Related Words
- anaesthetist
- anesthesiologist
- anesthetist
- baby doctor
- paediatrician
- pediatrician
- pediatrist
- cardiologist
- heart specialist
- heart surgeon
- chiropodist
- foot doctor
- podiatrist
- dermatologist
- skin doctor
- diagnostician
- pathologist
- diplomate
- doc
- doctor
- physician
- Dr.
- MD
- medico
- ear doctor
- ear specialist
- otologist
- embryologist
- endocrinologist
- ear-nose-and-throat doctor
- ENT man
- otolaryngologist
- otorhinolaryngologist
- rhinolaryngologist
- geriatrician
- gerontologist
- gynaecologist
- gynecologist
- woman's doctor
- haematologist
- hematologist
- hygienist
- internist
- brain doctor
- neurologist
- accoucheur
- obstetrician
- oncologist
- eye doctor
- ophthalmologist
- oculist
- orthopaedist
- orthopedist
- orthoptist
- proctologist
- head-shrinker
- psychiatrist
- shrink
- radiographer
- radiologist
- radiotherapist
- rheumatologist
- urologist
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.