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Synonyms for assiduity

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for assiduity

steady attention and effort, as to one's occupation

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for assiduity

great and constant diligence and attention

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The analysis of the association between assiduity to the UR (independent variable) and each of the regular dietary practices ([greater than or equal to] 5 days in the week) (dependent variables) was carried out using bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression models.
Shaikh Mohammed and Shaikh Abdulla congratulated Shaikha Aisha on her success, which reflects her assiduity, perseverance and determination to achieve.
The other study was conducted by Ram Kalpana (2000) [3] Dancing the Past Into Life: The Rasa, Nirtia and Raga of Immigrant Existence, which illustrates that the reason the orientation towards cultural values as a representation of a human civilization is a disorder underlying the relationship is more important to past and present, the script turned into Indian dance and music is a good language to appreciate the magical powers of representation and assiduity of the level of experience embodied in a coherent and meaningful without their depiction.
However, if I was less charitable, I'd suggest that if they showed the same assiduity in completing deals as they do scarpering in and out of court to look after themselves, then more pictures of new arrivals holding a scarf above their head may appear in this newspaper.
But how little have we availed ourselves of these superior advantages: The glorious fabric of liberty successfully reared with so much labor and assiduity totters to the foundation, and may be blown away as the bubble of fancy by the rude breath of military combinations, and politicians of yesterday.
Apart from the balanced body development, the physical exercise reinforces the will, cultivates the patience, the self control, the courage, initiative, assiduity, discipline, develops their collective spirit and their self confidence.
With this in mind, Basicxx leadership assiduity to perfection and endless efforts to develop has been reflected in constant creativeness in recruiting and evaluation techniques and leadership development program for middle management.
Winterer's assiduity in trying to recover that earlier understanding is manifested in this volume's 46-page bibliography, a feat that affords two collateral benefits.
Perhaps, the most striking instance is Gadda's decision to end the first edition of La cognizione del dolore with the poem "Autunno." (2) The very dates of the first publication of both the poem and the novel confirm the assiduity of Gadda's thinking about poetry, even though the writing of his poems is concentrated in the years of World War I.
"Diplomacy is a profession by itself, which deserves the same preparation and assiduity of attention that men give to other recognized professions.
Where the study is discussed, the researcher will aim at describing research questions and objectives which transformed the study's density and assiduity (Saunders et al., 2012).
The preponderance of biographical material, crammed into opening paragraphs, is routine data about parentage, place of birth, education, and occupation, whereas the bulk of the essays consistently gesture indirectly at moral vibes like assiduity and strength and shortcomings, like laziness or impetuosity, which in turn determine the salutary or insalubrious influence of texts on the public.
Xiang Yang's engagement with the Chinese classical tradition is clearly visible in formal structures like the ten-line poem (his own invention, yet to which he holds with classical assiduity), in traditional themes and subjects like the natural world and the Chinese lunar calendar, and, most importantly, in his commitment to concrete experience, the here and now of his poetic vision.