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Words related to arethusa

nounany of several bog orchids of the genus Arethusa having 1 or 2 showy flowers

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References in periodicals archive ?
At the same time, the Admiralty added that "should reconnaissance today (24th) indicate that one or both German battle cruisers have left Brest it will be necessary you alter these instructions." The Admiralty also ordered CS 18 (Manchester, Birmingham, and Arethusa), which had been patrolling the Iceland-Faeroes passage, to join northeast of Langanes, Iceland, "in readiness to form a patrol line in event of enemy breaking back." It also arranged for air patrols with the same purpose.
"Penelope and the Poetics of Remembering." Arethusa 40: 337-362.
(1973), "Early Greece: The Origins of Greek Attitude towards Women" in Arethusa 6: 7-58, hereafter abbreviated "OGA," and (1981), "The Divided World of the Iliad VI," Women's Studies 8: 21-46, hereafter abbreviated "DW." See also Foley, H.
"Mimicking Virgins: Colonial Ambivalence and the Ancient Romance." Arethusa 38: 49-88.
His latest work, Unisphere: Symbol of the 1964 New York World's Fair, is published by Arethusa Press.
PONTEFRACT: 2.10 Big Sky, 2.40 Faith Matters, 3.10 Abbey Angel, 3.40 GATEWOOD (NAP), 4.10 Waterclock, 4.40 Arethusa, 5.10 Ocean Sheridan.
And Charlotte Couchman on the Arethusa a year later, "You may depend, if ever I get safe on land again, I shall not venture on the sea to return to England." Mind you, she had just been through a storm of which she wrote, "We can hardly lie in our beds and are obliged to hang on by the woodwork.
Earendel sprang from the Ocean's cup In the gloom of the mid-world's rim; From the door of Night as a ray of light Leapt over the twilight brim ..." (33) Garth notes the fledgling poem's similarities to the final voyage of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Hiawatha "to the portals of the Sunset" and to the meter and rhyme scheme of Shelley's "Arethusa." "But that was just the beginning of a project which lasted the rest of Tolkien's life.
It is in this sense that one can understand Philaster's unusual request to be changed by the gods into a stone monument to his own betrayal, so that future ages may remember Arethusa and Bellario's villainy: "Some good god look down / And shrink these veins up.
Henry Candy's Alonsoa and the Ed Dunlop-trained Arethusa are also worth keeping an eye on, while Astrelle (Marco Botti), Banzari (Michael Bell), Bonnie Grey (Rod Millman) and the debutant Teofilo's Princess (Clive Brittain) complete the 12 entries.