An end-to-end single-layer
anastomosis was constructed using 8 interrupted polypropylene monofilament 6/0 sutures (Premilene[R]; B.
Some of the techniques most frequently used for reconstructing vessels include end-to-side (E-S)
anastomosis of a branch vessel to the main artery,
anastomosis of a branch vessel to the aortic patch, side-to-side (S-S)
anastomosis of two aortic patches, anastomosing two renal arteries together to form a single stem, end-to-end (E-E)
anastomosis of the main renal artery to a donor arterial graft, E-E
anastomosis of the main renal artery to a synthetic graft, and
anastomosis of a polar artery to the inferior epigastric artery of the recipient [3].
Upon exploratory laparotomy, no significant change was observed in the internal and external diameters at the site of
anastomosis, between Groups A and B.
Classic surgical approach to rectal cancer is neoadjuvant radiotherapy, segmental resection of the involved rectum with free margins, colorectal
anastomosis, and diverting loop ileostomy except in stage I.
Tumor-specific mesorectal excision (TSME) was performed for the upper rectal cancer and when the mesorectal excision level was 5 cm from the lower edge of the tumor.5,6 The mode of
anastomosis includes stapled
anastomosis and manual
Failure of GI
anastomosis was established when there was frank discharge of eneteric contents in drain or through suture line, or if leak was found at contrast radiography or re-exploration for localized/generalized peritonitis or peritoneal abscess.
Two drains were used, and they were placed next to the pancreas and bile duct
anastomosis from the right and left.
The aim of our study is to determine the role of perioperative glutamine, arginine and HMB-rich diet on anastomosichealing after elective colonic
anastomosis in rats.
Laparotomy revealed a tumor mass at the level of gastrojejunal
anastomosis and lymph node enlargement in the mesentery of the first jejunal loop, with no secondary tumors in the abdomen.
A large body of literature suggests that factors affecting CD clinical recurrence include smoking, type of
anastomosis, duration of disease, penetrating diseases (6), perianal lesions (7), and upper gastrointestinal lesions (8).
(3,4) Tubal
anastomosis can be a technically challenging surgical procedure when done by laparoscopy, especially given the microsurgical elements that are required.
Its classification is based on
anastomosis groups, which is defined as the somatic, or vegetative, manifestation of incompatibility between hyphae of different isolates of R.solani (Sneh et al., 1996).