alphanumeric display

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Synonyms for alphanumeric display

a display that gives the information in the form of characters (numbers or letters)

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References in periodicals archive ?
Significantly better performance was obtained with the alphanumeric display than with the polar coordinate display in Experiment 3.
Water quality is easily monitored on the system's two-line alphanumeric display and can be viewed as Resistivity or Conductivity, temperature-compensated or not, as required by USP 24.
A low product message also appears on the dispenser's alphanumeric display, which can communicate advertising messages, machine status and technical support contract information in English and Spanish.
It is available with a flush-mount or surface-mount back box, and it includes a six-digit alphanumeric display with a full keypad and three function keys.
The setpoint's value and engine lug offset parameters are adjustable on the EPC-150 unit's alphanumeric display or by utilizing a ModBus RTU communications system with a PC-based Windows interface.
Setup of the unit is accomplished using an easy-to-read menu format with alphanumeric display. The unit provides simultaneous readings of both process variables (oxygen and temperature) for effortless observation.
Meri-Cal II has an accuracy of 0.025 prevent full-scale with an easy-to-read 4-line by 20 character alphanumeric display and 5 digits of measurement resolution that can read out in any of 11 engineering units.
A microprocessor based transmitter with a built-in alphanumeric display, available for mounting both integrally and remotely from its flow sensor.
System status and performance characteristics are dearly displayed on a double-line alphanumeric display that also indicates when routine maintenance should be performed.
In addition, its multi-line, alphanumeric display provides information on the name of the operator using the device, the name of the mold or pattern being tested, the date and time of each test, and the date of the last calibration of the device.
Its multi-line alphanumeric display is said to provide simple setup and operation at the touch of a finger.
MessageLink, a PC-based client/server software application, receives text messages from multiple applications, such as paging and email systems, and delivers them to the SpectraLink Wireless Telephone's alphanumeric display. With text messaging and telephone capabilities combined in one device, SpectraLink Wireless Telephone users can now respond to a page immediately without having to locate a phone, and no longer have to carry in-house pagers.
On the Companion system other possible options include messaging to pick up brief faxes, e-mail and patient information using our scroll-through, two-line, 16-character feature on the alphanumeric display incorporated on the handset."