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Synonyms for airdock

a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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This latest addition to an ancestry that includes mighty Zeppelin sheds and the famous Goodyear Airdock is no exception.
The CargoLifter airdock, where the aiurshi0ps will be build and maintained, will be one of the largest man-made structures when complete, especially considering that it will hold two airships side-by-side.
The CargoLifter airdock, where the airships will be built and maintained, will be one of the largest man-made structures when complete, especially considering that it will hold two airships side-by-side.
Similarly, Farallon's AirDock plugs into the serial and ADB ports of a Macintosh, enabling IR-equipped PowerBooks to access files or network resources.