Unlike the familiar "propeller on a stick" turbines, the Aerogenerator has no tower and spins from a base which contains the generator and gearbox, harnessing wind energy from any direction.
This work is alongside a pioneering new vertical axis wind turbine called the Aerogenerator, which sits much lower to the ground than a conventional turbine and can be used in offshore wind farms.
SIR - In reply to Mr John Parker (Western Mail, June 27), aerogenerators (they are not turbines as they have no inlet or exhaust nozzles, vanes or guides) require a wind speed of 39 knots (45 mph) to obtain their rated output.
The contract provides initially for the sale of 42 aerogenerators worth almost Euro 28 million, with a generating capacity equivalent to 36 MW of installed power, according to a statement from Gamesa.