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Synonyms for acquiescent

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Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

Synonyms for acquiescent

  • Collins
  • Roget's
  • WordNet

adjsubmitting without objection or resistance

adjdisposed to accept or agree

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for acquiescent

  • Collins
  • Roget's
  • WordNet
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Yet, an even larger number of them are seemingly at odds with his brazenly acquiescent policy in the West Philippine Sea.
Four letter words Acme C; Bane C; Boor A; Ergo C; Kudu A; Serf C; Trug A; Hard to spell words Acquiescent C; Assimilate C; Dystopia C; Excrescence C; Heinous B; Idiosyncrasy C; Languor B;Triskaidekaphobia C.
Politics in this country pits the ruler against the political parties, whether they are in acquiescent mode (like they were through the Musharraf years as they sat in his parliament) or in street-fighting mode (as they were in the Zia years).
The corresponding commonly felt emotions were resentful, worry and acquiescent. 'Monetary reward', 'act of management', 'act of co-workers' and 'goal setting' emerged as the most important affective event categories among the participants.
There are reports that Goje enjoys the support of the Saraki group because he appears more acquiescent to the group in its bid to secure the position of Deputy Senate President, acting in concert with the PDP caucus.
John Kenneth Galbraith noted in 1973 that establishment economics had become the "invaluable ally of those whose exercise of power depends on an acquiescent public." If anything, economists' embrace of that role has grown stronger since then.
Her witty criticisms, which balance that joyful, acquiescent laughter with the other kind, wry and irreverent, are precisely the kind to get under the politicians' skin.
The Appellate Court was acquiescent with these distributions, with the exception that it agreed with the Husband that he should not be required to name the Wife as beneficiary of his postretirement death benefits.
However, Van Dyne, Ang, & Botero (2003) identified two non-other-oriented voices: acquiescent voice and defensive voice.
Pena Nieto appeared acquiescent as he stayed silent -- at least until Trump left the country.
Eventually, the consumers will obtain a reply whether their hand set is acquiescent with the regulatory standards or not.
class="MsoNormalBLACK MARKET class="MsoNormalBusinesses that sell alcohol on the far side of the RRP cause high taxes and acquiescent over-the-counter inflation.
He discusses the Trump conundrum with the same vexation as a dozen other former intelligence officials I've spoken with since the president's shockingly acquiescent performance onstage Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
After a decades-long campaign waged by baseball to contain and discredit him, the Babe, frustrated and struggling with injuries and illness, grew more acquiescent, but the image of Ruth that baseball perpetuated still informs how many people remember Babe Ruth to this day.
Provider responses were characterized as only persistent (18 visits), a mix of acquiescent and persistent (13 visits), and only acquiescent (six visits).