* focus on housekeeping in the areas where flammable materials are used or are likely to
But if you announce it in the next two to three years, Americans will have an opportunity to
accumulate private assets.
Seamless Distribution AB (STO: SEAM), a provider of proprietary solutions and systems for mobile phone transactions, reported on Friday that the Patent and Market Court has given its judgment in the case against
Accumulate AB.
The desire is not to
accumulate trophy properties or highly visible holdings, yet to find solid properties or lender equity positions that meet overall long-term goals, generally based on five-year plans.
A plan participant would
accumulate lump-sum credits, as explained below, analogous to a traditional final average pay defined benefit plan.
Different methods to
accumulate a representative sample helps negate this problem.
Because savings on interest
accumulate gradually over time as scheduled payments are made, the amounts saved with each payment must be discounted to their present value by some appropriate rate, and their sum compared with the total cost of the refinancing.
IRC section 531 imposes a penalty tax on corporations that
accumulate earnings for the purpose of helping an employee avoid personal income taxes by not distributing them.
A Building wealth through the stock market depends a great deal on your ability to
accumulate large numbers of shares of a company so that you can maximize your returns when its stock price rises.
breve produces brevetoxins, potent neurotoxins that kill finfish and
accumulate in filter-feeding animals such as shellfish.
Once the Tax Court read a funding requirement into the account limit provision, it turned to whether General Signal intended to establish a reserve to
accumulate assets for the payment of post-retirement medical and life insurance benefits.
Instead of having healthy heme, porphyria patients
accumulate toxic versions, bringing on sporadic attacks of psychosis.
Stocks to watch over the next few months: ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM), an energy bellwether that 16 of 21 analysts from major investment firms have indicated as a stock to "buy" or "
accumulate" over the next few months; Chevron (NYSE: CHV), which is ranked by Zacks as No.
Filter-feeding shellfish, such as mussels,
accumulate brevetoxins without harm, but their flesh can poison animals, including people, that eat it.