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Related to Yersin: Alexandre Emile Jean Yersin
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French bacteriologist born in Switzerland

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References in periodicals archive ?
Yersin AJ (1854) Memoire sur quelques faits relative a la stridulation des Orthopteres et leur distribution geographique en Europe.
(20.) The role insects and rodents play in transmitting infectious diseases was first discovered in 1894 by Alexandre Yersin and Kitasato Shibasaburo.
(12.) Bille, J., Catimel, B., Bannerman, E., Jacquet, C., Yersin, M.N., Caniaux, I.
AND YERSIN, A.G., 1997: Protein quality and calcium availability from extruded and autoclaved turkey hatchery residue.
One of the more colorful published vademecums from the turn of the last century was The Yersin Phonorhythmic Method of French Pronunciation, Accent and Diction, originally published in 1897.
(28.) Smits HL, Vander Hoorn MAWG, Goris MGA, Gussenhoven GC, Yersin C, Sasaki DM et al.
& Pathology 262 (2009) (describing the lethal injuries sustained by an individual hit by rubber bullets); see generally Peter Wahl, Nicolas Schreyer & Bertrand Yersin, Injury Pattern Of The Flash-Ball[R], A Less-Lethal Weapon Used for Law Enforcement: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature, 31 J.