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Synonyms for Wilno

the capital and largest city of Lithuania

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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In late 1925 and early 1926, in great part due to the energy and talents of Max Weinreich and other colleagues in Wilno, YIVO began to establish itself as an actual institute, at first operating out of Weinreich's apartment.
of California, Berkeley) describes the multiethnic populace of seventeenth-century Wilno (Vilnius) in Lithuania, which worshipped in Calvinist, Lutheran, Uniate, Catholic, and Orthodox churches as well as mosque and synagogue, while coexisting relatively peacefully.
Canada: Visiting Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Sunday said he was proud to find another Wilno, settled by Canada s first Polish immigrants, on pine-covered hills east of Ottawa.
Within one month of the invasion, the Soviet Union transferred part of the Wilno district from its share of Polish booty to Lithuania.
At the age of twelve he wrote an Hebrew novel: "Childhood and adulthood" (Wilno, 1863), an elaborated-adapted German story, about a poor child who eventually succeeded to flourish in spite of his poverty.
We were many, from Jassy and Koloshvar, Wilno and Bucharest, Saigon and Marrakesh, Ashamed to remember the customs of our homes, About which nobody here should ever be told: The clapping for servants, barefooted girls hurry in, Dividing food with incantations, Choral prayers recited by master and household together.
He was born in the Village of Kiwance, Town of Radun, in the Wilno area of Poland, he was the youngest child of Kazimierz and Emilia (Jodzis) Linga.
He was born in 1927 in a town called Wilno in the east of Poland - Now the Lithuanian capital Vilnius.
He first gives the reader an overall view of Polish resistance in the period from 1939, the difficulties of coordination of underground troops with the London exile government, and plans in Poland for demonstrative attacks on the German troops as they retreated from cities in erstwhile eastern Poland, especially Wilno (Vilnius) and Lwow (L'viv).
But sirs, this is Canada, we don't want Wilno, we don't care about Lwow, the only thing we desire is the retention of the Polish language and culture.
Here is an early poem by Czeslaw Milosz, written in 1936 in Wilno, now Vilnius, in Lithuania.
Milosz published his first poems in Alma Mater Vilnensis, a university periodical, while studying law at Stefan Batory University in Wilno.