Usama bin Laden

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Arab terrorist who established al-Qaeda (born in 1957)

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References in periodicals archive ?
"Fox News has not been contacted by the Department of Defense or any other government agency expressing concern about The Man Who Killed Usama Bin Laden special and we have every intention of airing it as planned on November 11th and 12th," spokesperson Carly Shanahan told AFP.-
Additionally, AST's Facebook page posted a music video placing Trigui among two other illustrious "martyrs," Usama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Officially the goals of the invasion of Afghanistan were to retaliate against Usama bin Laden and destroy al-Qaeda.
Usama Bin Laden was a violent product of the Cold War and the Age of Dictators in the Greater Middle East.
"The announcement of the death of Sheikh Usama Bin Laden has also been accompanied today with a reminder of those who died on 9/11 in the twin towers in New York.
Baghdad (NINA) -- President Jalal Talabani congratulated US President Barak Obama on the killing of Qaeda leader, Usama Bin Laden.
Speaking at the beginning of the Assembly sitting Monday after the announcement of the news about the death of Usama Bin Laden, Al-Tahir said some 20 countries from North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have gathered only to kill the people of Afghanistan as a consequence of the search for Bin Laden as a terrorist leader." He said that since they were now rejoicing at his death, then they should take off their hands from AfghanistanMF/MABack //
His most recent book is a short primer on al-Qaeda with specific chapters devoted to Usama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Mullah Omar and the late al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
Accusation that Usama Bin Laden is living comfortably in Iran had received a boost after the broadcast of a documentary called "Feathered Cocaine".
For the general reader interested in global political affairs Islamist organizations like the Palestinian Hamas, the Lebanese Hizbollah and the transnational a-Qa'ida, as well as individuals like for example Usama bin Laden, may appear as incomprehensible and beyond rational understanding.
partially successful operationally." On the following page he writes, "Usama bin Laden ran away.
Usama Bin Laden. If the defendants do not show up for the trial, it is likely that plaintiffs will win a default judgment, awarding the Kenyans the right to identify and seize Sudanese and Iranian assets that lie within US jurisdiction.
Usama bin Laden and prominent Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood figure Abdullah Azzam founded al-Qaeda the following year, as the Soviet army withdrew from Afghanistan.
The degree to which Usama bin Laden's son was 'freed' on July 28 should likely be interpreted as a deployment, not a release.
Indeed, these connections were used by the United States after the fact, according to Hill: "Thus, the facts linking these two individuals to Khallad and therefore to Usama Bin Laden formed the crux of the case made by the State Department to governments around the world that Usama Bin Laden should be held accountable for the September 11 attacks."