tyrannus) and the eleven publically available fish genomes (Poecilia formosa, Amazon molly; Astyanax mexicanus, Mexican tetra; Gadus morhua, Atlantic cod; Takifugu rubripes, Japanese pufferfish; Oryzias latipes, medaka; Xiphophorus maculatus, southern platyfish; Lepisosteus oculatus, spotted gar; Gasterosteus aculeatus, stickleback; Tetraodon nigroviridis, green spotted pufferfish; Oreochromis niloticus, Nile tilapia; and Danio rerio, zebrafish) on Ensembl.
Some teleost remains were present, but were identified as bait (Brevoortia
tyrannus) and not considered a prey item.
Tyrannus savana and Empidonomus varius, all from Tyrannidae family (Table 2).
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tyrannus humanis rebus excessit.
Las especies mas abundantes como
Tyrannus melancholicus, Stelgidopteryx ruficollis, y Bubulcus ibis muestran un desbalance numerico caracteristico de ambientes perturbados, empobrecidos o de ecosistemas jovenes, donde existe una oferta mayor de recursos para este tipo de especies (CARDENAS, 1998; NARANJO & ESTELA, 1999; VELAZQUEZ-VALENCIA, 2009).
Indeed, the enigmatic life of Romulus Augustulus has attracted attention: Friedrich Durrenmatt's 1950 play, Romulus the Great; a 2007 movie, The Last Legion; and the Marvel Comics character known as
Tyrannus. Wauthier chose to keep Romulus alive long past the traditional life span attributed to him by historians.
Indeed, this can be even observed within Clupeiformes with different reproductive strategies and habitats; Harengula jaguana (demersal eggs), Brevoortia
tyrannus and Anchoa mitchilli (pelagic eggs) (Higgs & Fuiman, 1998).
(29) We could also point to Orestes' nurse in The Libation Bearers, recalling the arduous task of rearing the young boy, or to the shepherds in Oedipus
Tyrannus. In these cases, there is the comic incongruity of the low-life perspective.
Consider, for examples the Manchester vellum copy of Aldo's CEdipus
Tyrannus, 1502.
Rokem exemplifies discursive practice in chapter 1 with Sophocles' drama Oedipus
Tyrannus and Aristophanes' oration in the Symposium.