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Synonyms for Typhaceae

nounperennial marsh plants with creeping rootstocks and long linear leaves

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The presence of a high number of pollen grains related to Typhaceae, distinguishes the assemblages of Lo Hueco from other Late Cretaceous European palynofloras (Walbec, Maastricht, Campo, Tercis) (Peyrot et al., 2013).
Similarly, members of certain families like Acanthaceae, Araceae, Asclepiadaceae, Convolvulaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Marsileaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Onagraceae, Piperaceae, Pontederiaceae, Rubiaceae, and Typhaceae reported to be mycorrhizal also lacked AM fungal colonization.
As familias Typhaceae e Thurniaceae so ocorreram no rio Acara, nos maiores valores de condutividade eletrica do gradiente, enquanto Vitaceae e Convolvulaceae so ocorreram no outro extremo do gradiente, no rio Cuiuni (Figura 3 a).
Botanical name Family name Local name Uses Typha latefola Typhaceae Webelo Mattress, roofng, and walling, animal transportation Cyperus species Cyperaceae Filla Mattress, floor covering, animal feed Botanical name Economic value (Birr) per bundle Typha latefola 35-40 Cyperus species 30-40 Table 1: Economically important macrophytes of Chefa Wetland used for making hand craft.
Typhaceae E5 Enteropogon prieurii (Kunth) Clayton Poaceae E6 Ludwigia stolonifera (Guill.
Es frecuente en ambientes naturales y seminaturales de la region como pajonales riberenos de "paja brava" (Scirpus giganteus Kunth, Cyperaceae) o los invadidos por el "lirio amarillo" (Iris pseudacorus L., Iridaceae), totorales de especies de Typha (Typhaceae) y ambientes alterados (bordes de caminos, desagues y terraplenes).
The families with few species in both ecosystems are also the same (Typhaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Maranthaceae, Haloragaceae, Solanaceae and Orchidaceae).
Plantas Pastos Poaceae Paspalum fasciculatum Paspalum virgatum Panicum maximum Echinochloa purpurem Penisetum purpurem Leelsia sp Arbustos Apiaceae Hidrocotile umbellata Bignoniaceae Cydistia heterophyla Leguminosae Mimosa pigra Mimosa albida Typhaceae Typha latifolia Pteridaceae Acrostichum aureum Polypodeaceae Nephrodium unitum Pontederiaceae Eichornia crassipes Arboles Leguminosae Andira galeottiana Galliandra haustoniana Bombacaceae Pachira acuatica Arecaceae Cocos nucifera Sabal sp Material inorganico Tierra y arcilla Desechos plasticos Bolsas y botellas de diferentes tamanos, vasos, platos y cubiertos desechables, empaques de dulces y medicamentos, partes de electrodomesticos, neumaticos.
At each point, we recorded the hydrology/substrate (flowing water, standing water, saturated mud, firm mud, dry wetland), water depth and dominant vegetation using nine broad vegetation groups: cattails (Typhaceae), cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), forbs, hardstem bulrush (Scirpus acutus), Himalayan blackberry (Rubus discolor), other grasses (Poaceae), other sedges (Cyperaceae), rushes (Juncaceae) and willows (Salix spp.).