Trotskyite left and the Telegraph right who might participate in this election clearly have their own malign purposes.
YOUR report of my speech opening the Labour Party Conference (The Journal, September 25) states that I described those MPs who had called recently for Tony Blair to stand down now as
Trotskyites. I did no such thing.
The investigative journalist should be "a contrarian - like a
Trotskyite:" slyly observed Robert Scheer of the Los Angeles Times at one panel.
The former deputy leader of Liverpool City Council and the
Trotskyite Militant Tendency had infiltrated Labour and were widely criticised for making the party unelectable in the '80s with a left-wing, ideological brand of politics.
His colleague Stephen Byers, like Ingram a former
Trotskyite, had earlier been caught in the same ambush.
Although he was typically referred to as a "libertarian," Buckley's philosophy could best be described as something akin to
Trotskyite revolutionary socialism: Centralized, bureaucratized government at home in support of a militaristic foreign policy abroad.
Mr Rees is one of the leaders of the
Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party.
In 1936, Rivera, a dedicated
Trotskyite, used his clout to petition the Mexican government to give Trotsky and his wife asylum after they were forced out of Norway.
In October the magazine observed that the Democrats have been "firmly committed to the Moscow wing of the Communist Party since 1933" and the Republicans "firmly committed to the
Trotskyite wing of the Communist Party, headquartered in Tel Aviv." Don't ask for an explanation of where young Quayle fits in.
Is there something of the manic teenage
Trotskyite about him?
Because I was there when the bearded Edinburgh
Trotskyite did indeed believe, very much, in having the government in the boardroom.
Chalabi, predictably, was taken into the bosom of the
Trotskyite Marxists who call themselves "neoconservatives." Working through the Office of Special Plans (OSP)--a nest of neocons within the Pentagon--Chalabi's INC provided much of the bogus "intelligence" used to justify the war (a fact acknowledged by OSP adviser Richard Perle and fellow neocon agitator David Frum in their febrile pro-war tract An End to Evil).
For those familiar with the
Trotskyite Left this will sound very familiar.
When I first met him 35 years ago Darling was pressing
Trotskyite tracts on bewildered railwaymen at Waverley Station in Edinburgh.
The Spanish Communist Party was minuscule in comparison, although it grew confidently with Stalin's military support and the introduction of the International Brigades, not to mention ruthless tactics used against the Anarchists and POUM, with whom George Orwell served, labelled as
Trotskyite 'Fascists.'