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References in periodicals archive ?
Comparison and quality evaluation of nutritional components of two different strains of Trionyx sinensis.
The pattern consists of rounded pits with somewhat raised borders, with the pits being sometimes linked and some times isolated, and with its pit borders occasionally open (Hay 1908, plate 86) as in Trionyx (Amyda in Hay 1908).
NNEX 2 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF REPTILE SPECIES: DANAU SENTARUM NATIONAL PARK AND NEAR-CATCHMENT SURROUNDS TESTUDINES ORDER/ Local FAMILY/ Name Species (i) (Lan- guage) (ii) TESTUDINIDAE Manouria emys Baning (I) EMYDIDAE Orlitia borneensis Biuku (I) Siebenrockiella crassiscollis Kura-kura Jaung (I) Cuora amboinensis Kura-kura Tambit (I) Cyclemys dentata Kura-Kura Air (I) Hoesemys spinosa Kura-kura Umung (I) Malayemys subtrijuga - Pyxidae mouhottii - TRIONYCHIDAE Amyda cartilagenea Labi-labi Sungai Dogania subplana Labi-labi Hitam Pelochelys bibroni Labi-labi Kuning Chitra indica Labi-labi Besar Trionyx gangeticus CROCODYLIA CROCODILIDEA Crocodylus raninus Buaya Kodok Crocodylus porosus Buaya Rabin Tomistoma schlegeli Buaya Sinyulong SAURIA AGAMIDAE Draco sp.
1997) and Trionyx sinensis from southern China (Lofts and Tsui 1977).
Acris crepitans Pseudacris clarki Reptilia Testudines Chelydra serpentina 3 1 2 43 Pseudemys texana 3 23 Sternothorus odoratus 1 2 Trachemys scripta 2 2 66 Trionyx spp.
In order of abundance the seven species of turtles currently inhabiting the lake are painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginate), snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), spiny soft shell turtle (Trionyx spiniferus), map turtle (Grapteinys geographica), Blanding turtle (Emydoidea blandingii), and stinkpot turtle (Sternotherus odoratus).
Research revealed that the trade targets three species of softshelled turtles (Amyda (formerly Trionyx) cartilagenea, Dogania subplana and Pelochelys bibroni) and the Malaysian giant tortoise Orlitia borneensis.
Turtle virus 3 carolina) Central Asian tortoise Tortoise virus 5 (Testudo horsfieldi) Soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis) Green tree python Wamena virus (Chondropython viridis) Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Country or region Host where isolated Ref.
The absence of Kinosternon flavescens at Quahadi Pond and the presence of only two individuals of this species at Sims Pond over a two year period and the absence of soft shelled turtles (Trionyx spiniferus) and snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) attest to the isolation of the two study ponds.