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Synonyms for Certhiidae

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The short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla is present in center area of the Mediterranean.
Both Treecreeper and Goldcrest were odd records for a small urban garden and Siskins have finally found the feeders too.
Nuthatch, Jay, Treecreeper and Woodpecker, can be seen among the more common birds in the meeting house burial ground.
A corncrake's rasping call echoed across the Bardsey night for more than a week, where the first treecreeper of the year was seen.
Robertson and Radford (2009) have observed that grey shrikethrush and white-throated treecreeper, both larger than speckled warbler, were most unlikely to cross cleared land when distances were greater than 85 metres and 65 metres respectively.
The habitat requirements of the rufous treecreeper (Climacteris rufa).
galerita), Carnaby's Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) and Rufous Treecreeper (Climacteric rufa).
Animals: AARDVARK, ALPACA, AMADAVAT or AVADAVAT (Indian song bird), BLACK MAMBA (snake), CARACAL (lynx), CARACARA (vulture-like bird), MATAMATA (a turtle), HELLBENDER (salamander), LEVERET (young hare), TREECREEPER (bird), TREE SHREW, INDRIS (a lemurine animal), SISKIN (bird), KOODOO or COODOO (antelope), MOORCOCK (bird), POTOROO (kangaroo-rat), WOODCOCK (bird), CUSCUS (a marsupial)
cristatus), golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus), green woodpecker (Picus viridis), great spotted woodpecker (Picoides [=Dendrocopos] major) and short-toed treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla).
Battling up steep hills and screaming down the other side, with strong winds either in your face or at your back, with wild flowers all along the way, fields of orchids, curlews calling across the Scottish moorland or a treecreeper feeding its young on a tree trunk--there were many highlights.
Daylength and time allocation in relation to reproductive effort in the common treecreeper Certhia familiaris.
Woodland species include green and great spotted woodpeckers, tawny owl, buzzard, sparrowhawk, nuthatch, jay, treecreeper, woodcock, siskin and garden warbler.
Both have been monitored for the threatened White-browed Treecreeper in the past (Hurley and Cheers 2012).